Saturday, December 31, 2005
the last few hours of anno domini 2005
followed by a couple of hours out under the stars @ marina south taking photos of the fireworks display down at the esplanade...i would love to be at the esplanade itself but i cannot stomach the thought of squeezing with the rest of blardy singapore will be akin to a shark feeding frenzy and i know that if i go there, i will end up going home in a reaaaaaaaaallllllyy bad mood...
better to seek the (comparatively) safer sanctuary of marina south to do the picture-taking...wifey's going plus a couple of other rcc frens including sotong ger...hope the weather holds off nicely without rain, else a lot of people are gonna become "luo tang ji" :))
adios 2005...bring it, 2006!!!
Friday, December 30, 2005
northern expedition...
hopefully will not be doing too much shopping this time but more relaxed with time for our favourite eating haunts
1. MBK foodcourt for my favourity fried chicken rice, beef noodles and thai iced tea
2. Thai restaurant directly opposite the Novotel Siam Square (dunno what name lah) - kickass thai food at a decent price
3. Greyhound Café - best cheeseburger in thailand
4. Cheap Coca buffet - siam square? or siam discovery centre? cannot really remember but they offer a s$4.00 buffet for the 1st hour....time to really gorge...hahaha :)
5. MBK Zen Japanese restaurant - cheap and good nip food
wifey does however wanna do chatuchak though.....i hope my feet are up to it...the last time we went, i lasted a mere trifling 2 hours before giving up the ghost...LOL :))
can't wait...can almost taste the tom yam goong liao...
it's coming to the end of 2005...
- china holiday with wifey - finally managed to get my butt to the motherland and boy, was it an eye-opener...had such low expectations of the place but was most impressed by the progress made in china...beijing was just a cultural oasis and shanghai was a wonderfully modern city...shame same can't be said about the chinese people with their horrendouse spitting and VERY loud speaking habits...all the same, it was really nice...
- making good friends in rcc
- a new beginning for TI...i am soooo gonna have to buck up on work, now that we are fully family-owned...have to take on additional responsibility and ownership of the business
- 'pool coming back from the dead to pip milan for the european cup :)
someone asked recently what are my goals for 2006...well, there's only 2 that i can spell out for the time being:-
- to grow the TI business, to learn even more about the project business
- to grow spiritually and continue to walk closer with God
i feel that 2005 was a pretty decent year as things go...perhaps a 7.5 outta 10....may the next year be even better, Lord i pray...
Thursday, December 29, 2005
getting more and more excited...
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
synchronised swimming...
left click and watch it here
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
went to the loh koon and yes, confirmed it's a throat infection...throat looks like a ferrari and coughing quite a bit some kickass green phlegm too...sheesh...
i knew i should have finished that pack of chips :((
oh well, at least a lagi short week for me...on MC today...BAH!
Monday, December 26, 2005
and beauty killed the ape...

what a kickass indeed...thrilling yet with moments of quiet poignancy and intimacy...a big galoot smitten with a gorgeous blonde...incredible CGI indeed, especially the brontosaurus stampede and the knockdown butt-kicking fight scene between kong and the 3 rexes...simply outstanding...

and what can you say about naomi watts? beautiful, dignified and absolutely luminous in the role of ann darrow...she's gooooorrrrgeouuuss!!! *swoon* i HAVE TO get mulholland drive to watch! looking at her again, she looks like a bit like claire danes all grown up...hehe...
overall, an easy 9 outta 10 for me...i'd recommend it to anyone who asks...don't miss this one :))
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Christmas 2005
i honestly did not feel any of the christmas spirit up till this morning's church service...there, i was reminded that it's not remembrance of the birth of a special child all those years back, not just a time of merriment and gift exchange...but most crucially, a celebration of God's love for mankind...that He would sacrifice His best for reach out in purest love to welcome us back into the fold...
God's present to us is there to be taken...but why are so many hesitating to just reach out and grasp that loving hand? just think about it....if you were a kid on christmas day and you received a big-ass with humoungous "potential"....wouldn't you be all agog and raring to open THAT gift? God's gift to us is like that....but we're not agog and ironic...
well, worship today was just quite magical...i do not remember enjoying worship so much in a long long time already...although i must admit dozing intermittently during Rev Wee's sermon...i blame it all on the chinese translation getting in the way of the flow of the message....just really irritating to me...
i am all hammed out...much too much of the good stuff...mince pies, turkey, sausages, curry, shepherd's pie, ngor hiang, fruitcake, beer, wine and eggnog...die man, i don't dare to get onto my weighing scale tonight :))
Friday, December 23, 2005
this fishing lure...
Thursday, December 22, 2005
a monster of a motorbike...
no wonder he overtakes the other 'busa soooo damn easily...fella's completely bonkers!!!
either watch it on the site or download it to watch at your own pleasure...about 12.1mb
one year on...

 still goes on, albeit with lots of difficulty...
i am of course referring to the dec 26 tsunamis of last year...what was supposed to be the mellow aftermath of a celebratory christmas was turned on its head by that 1 devastating earthquake that triggering off the catastrophic tsunamis that hit aceh, the andaman islands, thailand, malaysia, india, sri lanka and the many lives lost on that black black day...
more than 230,000 people died or are missing and more than 1.8 million people were displaced by dec 26 tsunami.
a year after the disaster, the rebuilding of homes in the devastated zones is slowly moving ahead but there is still a huge amount of work to be done.
vast numbers of displaced people are still camped out in tents and according to aid organisation oxfam, only around one-fifth of the homeless will be in permanent homes.
in indonesia's aceh province, by the end of 2005 around one-quarter of the people in need will be in new permanent homes and in sri lanka, some 5,000 out of 78,000 homes will have been completed.
nevertheless, the impact of the tsunami will continue to be felt for many years.
meanwhile, Indian Ocean nations are rapidly upgrading tsunami detection systems and plan to put in place a deep-sea sensor network so those at risk can be warned faster. according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), 23 nations in the Indian Ocean rim will have a "modern" tsunami detection network by June 2006.
we can only hope that it never happens again but only time will tell...the indonesian ring of fire still burns hot and unpredictably...we will never know for sure when the next big one will happen and whether singapore might be one of the nations affected...
therefore as christmas comes around again, i hope we can all take some time to remember the horrific events of last dec 26 and in the midst of our festivities, spare a minute's silence in remembrance of the victims...
*sombre mood*
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
majorly pissed!
how can an organisation be THAT badly mismanaged??? too much frickin' autonomy given to one bastich and lax oversight by the MOH and NCCS...someone's head HAS TO roll for this!
what the fuck??!!?? ok, so you say you are trying to save $ by buying your airtix overseas...then why the hell do you buy 1st class and not business class??? and what gives you the right to backdate your blardy leave and claim monies against unused leave? 73 fucking thousand dollars!!!
critically, the most damning point - of every dollar that's donated, the patients only get about 10 cents...TEN !@#$@#$T%@#-ing CENTS ONLY!!! nabeh pua cheebye!!!!!
i tell you, if i see the piece of maggot-infested hyena dung on the streets, i make sure i break his blardy legs!
read more here
read the whole 300 page report here
Facts and Figures
• In 1995: TT Durai's pay was increased from $12,000 to $18,000. The promotion was back-dated six months, so he received another $36,000. Durai also received a $30,000 bonus "top-up" based on the revised salary.
• In 1997: Durai was offered a salary of $30,000 a month but he chose to accept only $25,000, a $7,000 increase over his previous wage. The increment was backdated 11 months, amounting to an extra $77,000.
• Sept 1997 - Oct 2003: Durai claimed overtime pay amounted to $187,000
• May 1995 - Nov 2003: Durai encashed his leave entitlement which brought in another $350,000.
• In 2004: Durai chalked up an average bill of $32,952 per month on his corporate credit card.
• In 2004: $70,000 spent on "study trip" to Las Vegas for six of NKF's staff, including Durai, to get fresh ideas on doing charity shows
• In 2004: $430,000 spent on movie and concert tickets to be given free to "nurture" donors
• Staff recevied pay increments as many as four times a year. Former director Matilda Chua's salary rose from $1,300 to $12,500 over nine years.
• Staff were given exit payments of up to 10 months' salary.
• In 2004: NKF made profits of $993,677 from drug sales. Although the NKF claimed it helped its patients save over $3.5 million in treatment costs, it had charged its patients a premium for certain discounted drugs, instead of passing the savings on to them.
• Feb 2004 - May 2005: $322,000 spent on travel, mostly first class for Durai and his former board and senior volunteers
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
FAVE SONG OF THE MOMENT... PHOTOGRAPH by nickelback, the canadian 4some rock band pictured's a song replete with nostalgia with tinges of regret, looking back on small town life...very anthemic...I LIKE!!! :))
Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
How did our eyes get so red?
And what the hell is on Joey’s head?
This is where I grew up
I think the present owner fixed it up
I never knew we ever went without
The second floor is hard for sneakin’ out
This is where I went to school
Most of the time had better things to do
Criminal record says I broke in twice
I must’ve done it half a dozen times
I wonder if it’s too late
Should I go back and try to graduate
Life’s better now than it was back then
If I was them, I wouldn’t let me in
Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It’s hard to say
It’s time to say it
Goodbye, Goodbye
Every memory of walking out the front door
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for
It's hard to say
It’s time to say it
Goodbye, Goodbye
Remember the old arcade
Blew every dollar that we ever made
The cops hated us hangin’ out
They say somebody went and burned it down
We used to listen to the radio
And sing along with every song we’d know
We said someday we’d find out how it feels
To sing to more than just the steering wheel
Kim’s the first girl I kissed
I was so nervous that I nearly missed
She’s had a couple of kids since then
I haven’t seen her since God knows when
I miss that town
I miss their faces
You can’t erase
You can’t replace it
I miss it now
I can’t believe it
So hard to stay
Too hard to leave it
If I could relive those days
I know the one thing that would never change
Look at this photograph
Every time I do it makes me laugh
Every time I do it makes me
Monday, December 19, 2005
see!!! it blardy did...
*panic* need to get for wifey, my folks and my sis....SCHEIZER!
HELP!!! i'm severely in lust...

in 30GB and 60GB models that hold up to 15,000 songs, full-color album art and up to 25,000 photos, the new iPod makes the most of music and more....yeah, you’ve heard that tune before...but only now, you can watch it as well *DROOOOOOLOLLLL*. with support for up to 150 hours of video and a 2.5-inch color display, the new iPod lets you take music videos and TV shows on the road...
die lah die hands shaking big time...
*scribbling furiously*
"dear santa...i have been a good boy this year......"
Friday, December 16, 2005
my fave car vid of all time
66 meg....not for dialup for sure...
left click and follow instructions for download...
total about 5 mins 4 secs
it's called CLIMBDANCE and what twinkly toes he has...oh momma!
this short film won an award at the 1990 grand prix du chamonix...must have been for cinematography...also won an award at the houston international film festival...and at the US industrial film & video festival in chicago...
watch how ari vatanen (world champion rally driver) muscles a specially-prepared hill climb peugeot 406 turbo up pike's peak in the US....amazing cinematography and incredible one moment, he's actually only steering with 1 hand as the other is shielding his eyes from the blinding sun...
if only i could drive like that.... *dreaming* :))
the art of the fart
ok ok, i am exaggerating, but at least 55% of the above is true...unfortunately...wife wans to kill me everytime i let off a ripper in public...i do try to clench up tight and keep it in but after a while, the pressure gets too much LOL...
also got the below in the email's frickin' funny...whoever wrote this really must have had toooo much time of his/her hands...hahaha :))
The art of farting is practiced by many, perfected by few. Perfecting the art of farting is a somewhat long, difficult but rewarding road to travel down. It is the symphony of foods and body function that causes this reaction we all long to occur. This guide teaches you the methods and mind set used by some of the worlds leading fartology organizations.
- Your mood will play a major role in farting. Having an "I can't do it!" frame of mind will not accomplish anything. When it comes down to those final moments when its release or hold time, you just have to repeat again and again, "Just let it happen... its ok..."
- Diet is another heavy influencer. If you're a grazer (or vegetarian as they preferred to be called) you're partly on your way. If you're older and are using shit assistance substances such as prune juice, you too have a good start. The real winners are your average North American men. Statistically Sunday is prime time nation wide for fart releases. Not only fart releases, but the cream of the crop, wake up the neighbours farts. Why is this? Have a look at the diet of a typical American male aged between 20 and 30 watching football on TV... Peanuts, chips, beer, can someone say, fart city? Its about evaluating your diet, removing the foods that don't assist farting, and focusing on the ones that do.
- Important, yet largely unexplored scientifically is the fart event position and location. These two variables can make or break a fart taking it from a stellar world class event, down to an unmentionable discouragement. Try telling a world class pianist that they must perform standing, or telling a tuba player he must lay down during their performance. Farting is no different, it requires positioning that best maximizes the bodies ability to expel gas. Location of the fart event sets the scene and adds emotions such as amusement (elevator farts), excitement (bus farts) and challenge (church farts).
Lets travel forth and delve into the world of position and location...
Leg Lift "Elevator" Position
Standing upright with a slight curve to the back, lift either leg (almost like doing the jig, except with your leg off to the side - never to the front) and allow the fart event to occur. This one is by far the most popular. Ranked best position for elevator farts for its ability to expel farts quickly and accurately between floors. The signature of a leg lifter in an elevator is the smile of glee on their face as they exit, as you unknowingly enter.
Pros: Amusement of only being able to guess how many floors the unknowing new occupants must endure. High buildings that you will most likely not visit again are a bonus.
Cons: After a successful execution of the fart, you leave the elevator and the unknowing others enter, which is fine. However, you realize you are on the wrong floor and must re-enter the same elevator. Truly a bad call.
"Imperial" Throne Position
Just a reminder that your mind associates this position with a lack of bodily control. This one involves sitting, squatting or bending down into a huddled position. Some of the worlds most fermented and catastrophic farts were achieved using this very position. Think of it as a game of leap frog, but without the leaping (or at least voluntarily).
Pros: Incredible leverage, captures the true potential of the fart.
Cons: Similar to when taking a shit, which could confuse mind and cause "dyer" consequences. This one in the car in a new suit on route to a job interview is not recommended.
Wal-Mart Fart Position
There have been so many reports of this position and its success of creating "brown air" that have won it accolades world wide. Shop as you normally would at Wal-Mart. Locate a desired purchase (at least the weight of say, a clothes detergent box) at the bottom shelf in an unoccupied isle. As you are lifting the heavy load in a squatting position, let the magic happen. You will be pleasantly surprised. At first you may point out the similarities to the throne position, but you will be in awe by what the additional weight load achieves. Weight lifters doing squats after a heavy meal know how well weight can affect fartage potency and volume.
Pros: Due to the narrow, almost encapsulating design of the isles, farts can remain lingering for hours after initial production. Many more people can enjoy their shopping due to your efforts versus the leg lift position.
Cons: Eager and usually frantic discount shoppers change isles with a furor only matched by 9am shoppers at a department store boxing day blow out sale. This can result in a by standard surprise attack and the very terrible mission abort consequence.
Power Arching
Lean your hands onto a counter top or table (or if available, hang onto your towel rack) while arching your back. If this is difficult for you to visualize, think back to your last visit to the car repair shop. Similar to the "ass pounding" position you take when getting the quote to have your car's transmission replaced. Power arching is excellent for "customer service" counters at department stores; local Radio Shack stores when reaching over and examining an expensive and ridiculous keychain that has a flashlight, time telling in 12 languages, compass and calculator all in one; a supermarket you do not usually visit.
Pros: The arching of the back allows your power conduit to be fully utilized. Less conspicuous than the Throne Position.
Cons: A warning to people with small houses or apartments: power arching in the small confines of a room in your house has been known to cause carpet, wall and even ceiling damage. Even more so, lasting damage to newly blossoming relationships with girlfriends and not so blossoming marriages.
All positions and locations have their pros and cons, it is the duty of an aspiring fart master to leverage the situations and environments available to him or her. With a bit of thoughtful planning you can start off the day with some power arching in the library; do a bit of leg lifting at the food court for lunch; and wind up the day with an all out assault on your senses with a satisfying throne position fart in the car on the way home. Remember, its all about position, location and a "can-do" attitude!
horrible horrible english translations
Thursday, December 15, 2005
fishing lure's targets...
anyways, below are some of my all-time favourite fish...with pix and some background information...
personal records for each species as follows:-
- barramundi - approx 4 kg (australia)
- giant trevally - approx 25 kg (maldives)
- queenfish - approx 7 kg (australia)
- dorado - approx 8 kg (malaysia)
- wahoo - haven't had opportunity to tangle with it
- yellowfin tuna - approx 10 kg (maldives)
- threadfin salmon - approx 2.5 kg (australia)
- coral trout - approx 5 kg (australia)
- tanguigue/spano mack - approx 4kg (australia)
- cobia - approx 6 kg (australia)
(Lates calcarifer)
Other common names:
Sea Perch.
Upper body dark and lower body silver with a white belly.
Dark fins. First dorsal fin spiky and triangular.
Bright and flashing eyes. Sharp gill plates and overshot lower jaw.
Temperature range:
21 - 30 Celsius (70 - 86 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
Brackish water in rivers, lagoons and mangrove creeks.
Must return to saltwater in order to breed.
Fishing methods:
Spinning or slow trolling with small lures and minnows.
Fishing at anchor or from shore with live or dead prawns, mullet or herring.
Fighting characteristics:
A fast and powerful fighter that will dive for shelter.

Giant Trevally
(Caranx ignobilis)
Other common names:
Great Trevally.
Upper body dark gray and lower body silver.
Blunt head and large eyes.
Curved and long pectoral fins.
Keel at junction of body and tail.
Temperature range:
21 - 30 Celsius (70 - 86 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
Around reefs and rocky islands.
Around peaks on outside of outer reefs.
Fishing methods:
Trolling dead or live Mullet, Mackerel or Scad.
Trolling lures, minnows, spoons or poppers.
Deep jigging at drift or anchor.
Casting poppers.
Fly casting with chum.
Fighting characteristics:
An extremely tough deep fighter, that always heads for obstructions on the sea bed.

(Scomberoides commersonnianus)
Other common names:
Upper body blue-green, lower body silver with golden tints and shiny silver belly.
Large dark spots along body and a forked tail.
Temperature range:
21 - 30 Celsius (70 - 86 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
Around islands, rocks and inshore reefs.
Fishing methods:
Trolling smaller lures, minnows, spoons and poppers.
Casting minnows, spoons and poppers.
Fighting characteristics:
A very fast and active jumper

(Coryphaena hippurus)
Other common names:
Dolphin Fish.
Mahi Mahi (Hawaii).
Gold Mackerel (Scandinavia).
Upper body green or electric blue. Sides gold with flashes of green.
The male has an upright head. Female has a rounded head.
Dorsal fin runs almost full length of the body.
The male is larger and heavier than the female.
Temperature range:
21 - 28 Celsius (70 - 82 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
In open ocean around logs, flotsam, weed lines and in warm current.
Around buoys and FAD’s (Fish Aggregating Devices).
Fishing methods:
Trolling dead Mullet, Mackerel or Squid.
Trolling strip baits, often in combination with plastic squid.
Trolling smaller lures, konaheads, minnows and poppers.
Drifting with small live bait, often with chum.
Fighting characteristics:
Surface runs in combination with acrobatic jumps and direction changes.

(Acanthocybium solandri)
Other common names:
Jack Mackerel.
Ono (Hawaii).
Upper body dark blue or electric blue with waved stripes. Lower body silver.
Overshot lower jaw.
Maxilla (jaw hinge) not visible.
Dorsal fin curved and highest at rear.
Razor sharp teeth.
Temperature range:
21 - 30 Celsius (70 - 86 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
Reefs where warm current is running close inshore.
In open ocean around bait fish, logs and current lines.
Over deep reefs and holes on the sea bed.
Fishing methods:
Trolling lures, minnows or feather lures close to reefs.
Trolling strip bait, often in combination with plastic squid.
Drifting live bait mullet, yellowtail scad or mackerel.
Fighting characteristics:

(Thunnus albacares)
Other common names:
Ahi (Hawaii).
Upper body black with blue overtones.
Yellow stripes along body and silvery belly.
Finlets yellow with black edges and yellow caudal keel.
Adult fish have very long yellow second dorsal and anal fins.
Temperature range:
18 - 30 Celsius (64 - 86 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
Open ocean along current lines and temperature changes.
Fishing methods:
Trolling lures, konaheads and plastic squid.
Trolling natural or strip baits often in combination with plastic squid.
Trolling in front of dolphin schools.
Drifting or at anchor with live bait and chum.
Fighting characteristics:
One of the world's best, fastest and most determined deep fighter.

(Eleutheronema tetradactylum)
Other common names:
Fourfinger Threadfin.
Cooktown Salmon.
Bluntnose Salmon.
Complete body covered with small scales.
Upper body grey-green, silvery sides and brilliant silver belly.
Dark edges on the tail and the large second dorsal fin.
Blunt nose and four threaded pectoral fins.
Temperature range:
21 - 30 Celsius (70 - 86 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
Shallow and calm water with muddy bottom in salt, brackish and fresh water.
Fishing methods:
Lure casting with spinners and minnows.
Flyfishing wit dry as well as wet flies.
Baitfishing with live prawns.
Fighting characteristics:
An extremely fast fighter, that often surprises with a few extra runs.

(Plectropomus leopardus)
Other common names:
Leopard Coralgrouper.
Blue-dotted Coral Trout.
Red body with small blue spots. Orange to red belly.
Spines on first half of the dorsal fin.
Large eyes and a large mouth with overshot lower jaw.
Temperature range:
15 - 30 Celsius (59 - 86 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
Coral-rich areas of lagoon reefs and mid-shelf reefs.
Fishing methods:
Fishing near the bottom with squid or dead fish.
Fighting characteristics:
Aggressive strike followed by a powerful pull for nearby obstructions on the sea bed.

(Scomberomorus commerson)
Other common names:
Narrow-Barred Spanish Mackerel.
King Mackerel.
Upper body dark blue. Lower body silver with narrow blue-grey stripes.
Maxilla (jaw hinge) visible.
First dorsal highest in front, tapering to rear.
Temperature range:
18 - 31 Celsius (65 - 88 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
Along current lines, continental shelf drop off, reefs and islands.
In open ocean around bait fish.
Fishing methods:
Trolling mullet, squid or strip baits often in combination with plastic squid.
Slow deep trolling with bait or lures.
Trolling lures, minnows and spoons.
Drifting or at anchor with live bait and chum.
Fighting characteristics:
Long runs near surface, often followed by shorter runs in mid water.

(Rachycentron canadum)
Other common names:
Black Kingfish.
Crab Eater.
Lemon Fish.
Upper body dark brown with two cream coloured side lines.
Brown sides and cream coloured belly.
The head is flatish. Very low and knobby first dorsal fin. Long second dorsal fin.
Temperature range:
21 - 26 Celsius (70 - 79 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
Around coral and rocky reefs.
Around wrecks, flotsam, buoys and FAD’s (Fish Aggregating Devices).
Under feeding rays and whale sharks.
Fishing methods:
Trolling dead mullet or strip bait.
Trolling live mullet, mackerel or scad.
Slow trolling with downrigger and live or dead bait.
Drifting or at anchor with live or dead mullet, mackerel or crab.
Fighting characteristics:
Very tough midwater runs with dives to reefs or other structures.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
watch what happens when...

a dodge viper tries to do a takumi a la Initial D... :))
what the americans say about the viper
- The Dodge Viper, introduced in 1993, is the American version of a Fantasy Car. Featuring the largest engine among the cars on this site, and one of the largest to be fitted in a production car ever, an 8.0lt unit producing more than 400bhp and a much more impressive amount of torque (662Nm). The Viper has been praised for its direct race car feel and it surely is not a game to play with. How, anyway could a car with more than 400 bhp driving the rear wheels only and without any type of electronic help be a game to play with? Viper's muscle car design is fully justified given that it is directed, primarily, for the American market.
- Everything on the road looks like absolute toast when you're behind the wheel of the 450-horsepower Dodge Viper.
- Springs and shock absorbers are close to the wheels, giving more precise control over how, and how much, the wheels move on bumps and in corners, which also aids in precisely controlling wheel movement. It works delightfully well, providing a reassuringly crisp feel; keeping drivers out of trouble at higher speeds in challenging maneuvers; and helping save them from disaster when momentum exceeds traction
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
freaky dicky optical illusion...woah!

If you watch the below images from your seat in front of the computer, Mr.Angry is on the left, and Mrs.Calm is on the right.
Get up from your seat, and move back 5/6 feet, and PRESTO!! they switch places!!
This illusion was apparently created by Phillippe G.Schyns and Aude Oliva of the Univ. of Glasgow. This proves that we may not be seeing what's actually there, all the time!!
note: this was nicked from teapot's blogsite :)
a much anticipated book...starting today :)
the very first book of his i read was LIFE EXPECTANCY...and from then on, i was's not horror although there are many elements of typical horror stories but that is tempered by human drama and the comic quirkiness of the story...

oh well, starting on ODD THOMAS today...much heralded in the press as one of koontz's finest works...very much looking forward to it since i plan to get the followup book FOREVER ODD which is just out in hardcover recently, if this is good...
bring it on!!! :)
editorial review by publishers weekly:
Once in a very great while, an author does everything right-as Koontz has in this marvelous novel. Odd Thomas, who narrates, is odd indeed: only 20, he works contentedly as a fry cook in a small fictional California town, despite a talent for writing. The reason for his lack of ambition? A much rarer talent: Odd sees and converses with ghosts, the lingering dead who have yet to pass on, a secret he has kept from nearly everyone but his girlfriend, an eccentric author friend and the local police chief, whom he occasionally helps solve terrible crimes. Odd also has the ability to see bodachs, malevolent spirits that feast on pain and whose presence signifies a likelihood of imminent violence. The proximity of bodachs to a weird-looking stranger in town, whom Odd dubs "Fungus Man," alerts Odd that trouble is brewing; breaking into Fungus Man's house, Odd discovers not only hundreds of bodachs but a shrine to serial killers that helps him deduce that somehow Fungus Man will wreak widespread havoc very soon-so Odd is caught in a classic race against time to deter catastrophe. As with Koontz's best novels, this one features electrifying tension and suspense, plus a few walloping surprises. But Koontz fans know that the author has recently added humor to his arsenal of effects, and this thriller also stands out for its brilliant tightrope walk between the amusing and the macabre; one of the dead with whom Odd interacts frequently, for instance, is Elvis, still pining for his long-dead mother, Gladys. Above all, the story, like most great stories, runs on character-and here Koontz has created a hero whose honest, humble voice will resonate with many. In some recent books, Koontz has tended to overwrite, but not here: the narrative is as simple and clear as a newborn's gaze. This is Koontz working at his pinnacle, providing terrific entertainment that deals seriously with some of the deepest themes of human existence: the nature of evil, the grip of fate and the power of love.
Monday, December 12, 2005
my wishlist for maxine...

5Zigen's beautiful FN01-R ultralight forged rims
Gotta love them!!! I'd like mine in titanium bronze 17 x 7.5Js wrapped with sticky Falken RT215 semislicks please :))

Wilwood Big Brake Kit
Designed by Goodwin Racing, this brake system was developed as a complete solution and includes everything necessary to get the most out of the Miata's brakes. Take a look at this outstanding list of features:
Wilwood Dynalite Forged 4 Piston Billet Aluminum Calipers in front
Stainless Steel Caliper Pistons for superior resistance to thermal conductivity
Billet Aluminum Caliper Mounting Brackets - made from T6061 Aluminum
11.0" Lightweight Two Piece Rotors with Billet Hats in front
10.75" Lightweight Two Piece Rotors with Billet Hats in rear
Stainless Steel Brake Lines Reduced weight, 8 lbs. in front and 2 lbs. in rear
Wilwood "Q" Pads - with patented NuCap retention system.
"Q" Pads rated to 800 degrees.
Less dust and no noise.

Tire smoking, tail happy oversteer may be fun but it's the slow way around. With a limited slip, the car hooks up early out of corners. Under acceleration, engine torque is delivered primarily to the right rear wheel. If this wheel is unloaded (as when turning right) the tire will spin. The left wheel, though heavily loaded, gets little power and the car will not accelerate until the right wheel regains traction. Even in a straight line, the right rear will break away first, limiting acceleration to the grip of only one tire. The limited slip differential ensures power is delivered to both rear wheels. Forced induction and modified engine owners absolutely require a limited slip differential to maximize the benefits of all that torque.

Jackson Racing SS High Flow Catalyst
After spending big dollars to get more power from the Miata (installing a header and exhaust system...cannot forget to replace the stock cat!) If I was running the stock catalytic convertor, the exhaust system will not acheieve its full potential! The Jackson Racing High Flow Catalyst is made from stainless steel so it will never rust. More importantly, the tubing and catalyst core are a larger diameter than stock allowing better flow. Supplied complete with all necessary gaskets and hardware.

Manufactured by PWR Performance, this all aluminum radiator is simply one of the best available. Utilizing a 37mm thick, 2 row core, the cooling capacity in greatly increased. To achieve an OEM fit, the PWR radiator bolts directly in place of the OEM unit and the stock fan units are utilized as well. Highly polished, the PWR radiator adds a whole new look to ther engine compartment, too!

Fidanza Adjustable Cam Gears are made from 6061 T6 billet aluminum for strength and light weight. The gears feature 12 degrees of adjustments while most only feature 10, so I can tune the Miata’s engine for the best power output. CNC machined for precise fit and finish, and the outer gear is hard anodized for strength.

Head-jerking throttle response – Breathtaking acceleration – Kryptonite-like durability! CNC-manufactured from 6061-T6 aluminum, these flywheels increase performance while reducing stress on your crankshaft and bearings....significantly lighter than the stock flywheel...about 50% in rotational mass.

ACT Stage 2 Organic Clutch Kit
Specifically tailored for a modified Miata upto 270hp, these clutches are simply the finest available. All clutches come complete with Pressure Plate, Clutch Disc, Throw Out Bearing, Pilot Bearing and Clutch Alignment Tool.

Jackson Racing High Flow Fuel Pump
When you make more power, you need more fuel. In a standard normally aspirated car, the stock fuel pump delivers just enough, plus a little extra. As the pump ages, it may no longer be able to deliver its full rated capacity. When you add a supercharger, you need more fuel at a higher pressure. Odds are that your stock pump will not meet this demand. The result is a dangerously lean running condition. There are plenty of generic pumps out there, but only the JR High Output Fuel Pump has been specified to deliver the correct amount of fuel. Manufactured by an OEM vendor, our pump is a direct in tank replacement. If you are installing a supercharger, we highly suggest replacing your stock fuel pump at the same time.

Jackson Racing Air-to-Water Intercooler System
Once the JRSC was in, I'd want to go to the next level with the supercharged Miata? The Jackson Racing Air/Water Intercooler system is just the ticket. Increasing boost adds horsepower, but it also creates heat. One method to control detonation with increased boost levels is to retard your static timing. This cures detonation but also leaves you with sluggish throttle response in the lower end of the RPM range. This Air/Water Intercooler uses a cooling core that fits in place of cross over tube. An extremely durable, high efficiency pump circulates coolant through a large heat exchanger. The result is a massive drop in intake temperatures, up to 100 degrees. Additionally, because the Intercooler is short in length, boost pressure drop is negligible. Highly advanced timing can be utilized along with more boost. This system comes complete with everything required for installation, including detailed instructions. It also includes Jackson Racing's 2 year, 100,000 mile warranty.

In 2001 Mazda made major programming changes to the ignition and timing maps of the Miata to meet California’s ultra tough ULEV emission standards. All of the research and development used by Jackson Racing to create a supercharged 99-00 Miata was ineffective on the newer car.
Jackson Racing began the task of tuning and quickly realized that making a supercharged Miata meet tough new emissions standards while making significant gains in horsepower was not going to be easy. Through many months of trial and error a whole new technology was created with astonishing results. Enter Jackson Racing’s Powercard with Digital Tuning Technology. The days of "sensor manipulation" are gone. Jackson Racing now has the means to take direct control of the fuel injector after the ECU! With Powercard, extra fuel is added only when under boost. Since Powercard is installed between the ECU and Fuel Injectors, when cruising the Miata reacts and drives just as Mazda intended, but stand on the throttle and in an instant a torrent of boost is unleashed as the supercharger force feeds the engine with air while Powercard adds fuel.
The result is a 42% increase in horsepower and a 40% increase in torque with perfect drive-ability. Take a look at the dyno chart. Power delivery is typical Jackson Racing with a linear delivery of horsepower and an amazingly flat torque curve. With the horsepower and torque of a V6, instant throttle response and a lightweight chassis, the Miata is transformed from a fun in the sun roadster to a serious contender.