...and a shitload has landed on my lap...WWAAARGGHHHH!
maybe it was better not to have it fixed...hahaha ;)
Friday, March 31, 2006
you know those farking spammers...
helluva frustrated...
...whole damn morning, the office email system has been on the blink...can't blardy receive external emails at all...dunno what the fark is wrong...driving me up the wall...feel damn handicapped without access...
it's terrible how we are so dependent on technology nowadays for quick communications...i can imagine the chaos that would result if there indeed was a EMP (electro magnetic pulse) of catastrophic proportions hitting the earth...it wouldn't be funny at all to have all communications wiped out...it'd be utter and complete havoc, i tell you...
*grumble grumble*
i guess it's off to the kopitiam for me...
it's terrible how we are so dependent on technology nowadays for quick communications...i can imagine the chaos that would result if there indeed was a EMP (electro magnetic pulse) of catastrophic proportions hitting the earth...it wouldn't be funny at all to have all communications wiped out...it'd be utter and complete havoc, i tell you...
*grumble grumble*
i guess it's off to the kopitiam for me...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
wanna zhng up your very own ride?
do it HERE...quite fun, i must say....for the bengs and lians in each one of us :))
fathers and mothers out there...
...please note...do not, repeat, DO NOT get jiggy with it in front of your kid...young minds are emminently impressionable ;) see the vid HERE...it's hilarious!
hahaha... =)
hahaha... =)
just how the heck...
...did he do this? an impersonator? use of nylon monofilament??
see what i am talking about HERE (about 1.89mb, left click)
see what i am talking about HERE (about 1.89mb, left click)
subby =)

am enjoying the thump now, altho the missus says i should be murdered for spending yet more moolah on maxine...little does she know that there will be more to come...MUAHAHAHAHA...gee i hope she's not gonna read this blog... *gulp*
oh well, c'est la vie! ;)
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Quote of the Year
This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
absolutely LURVE IT!!! :))
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
use yr illusion part deux
some more stuff from julian...it's just incredible i tell u....especially the one with the planet earth...sideways you can actually see the size of the whole drawing...i am speechless!! see more of his work HERE :O
drowning the politicians!
now where did i put my bleddy fly swatter?
can i join u, my dear???? ;)
one view...
here's the actual size!
he's gone all batty! hahaha...
spidey spidey!!!

use yr illusion...literally =)
Chalk drawings from Julian Beever. Scroll down slowly and stop at each new frame.
Julian Beever is an English artist who's famous for his art on the pavement of England, France, Germany, USA, Australia and Belgium . Beever gives to his drawings an amazing 3D illusion...Simply stunning!!!!!
Julian Beever is an English artist who's famous for his art on the pavement of England, France, Germany, USA, Australia and Belgium . Beever gives to his drawings an amazing 3D illusion...Simply stunning!!!!!

quite excited...
...managed to get a lobang for a cheap 2ndhand active subwoofer which is only about 5 inches thick...this can be mounted behind the seat in the cabin to reinforce the bass of my stereo =)
it's an oldish SONY unit but it's made in japan and features a full metal housing which is not common for current similar subs which are mostly plastic type materials...
and the best thing....CHEAP! s$150 incl. install... :D
very much looking forward to tomorrow afternoon when i will bring maxine down and get it fixed up...all going well, tomorrow night can go BOOM BOOM BOOOM liao...muahaha....
pix will be updated day after... ;)
it's an oldish SONY unit but it's made in japan and features a full metal housing which is not common for current similar subs which are mostly plastic type materials...
and the best thing....CHEAP! s$150 incl. install... :D
very much looking forward to tomorrow afternoon when i will bring maxine down and get it fixed up...all going well, tomorrow night can go BOOM BOOM BOOOM liao...muahaha....
pix will be updated day after... ;)
Monday, March 27, 2006
it's gonna be...

...a fairly hellish week, i can foretell...so sneaking in a bit of time to update here...
weekend was quite nice...had some free time to go for coffee and shopping with my darling...also bought 2 new pieces of clothing...and went for the MIATA SG meet (see picture above)...i didn't join them for dinner and rounding thereafter though cos i went to a friend's place...
all in all, a decidedly restful one...but all in anticipation of this week...
when it rains, it pours...hope i survive the deluge... :S
Thursday, March 23, 2006
YES! it's about blardy time!!!
today's NEW PAPER reports that coming next March, Singapore should have its first proper motor-racing track in Tuas!!! WOOT!!!!!
available specs are as follows:
Track: Tuas International Speedway
time will tell... =D

available specs are as follows:
Track: Tuas International Speedway
- Length: 3.37km
- Track Type: Fast with Speeds up to 250km/h
- FIA Classification: Class 2 (good for Formula 3 and GT races and below. Formula One requires Class One classification)
- Theme: Motorsport Park
- Address: Go along Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim road next to ATE (just before Tuas checkpoint), and it's situated between Tuas West Road and Tuas West Drive
time will tell... =D

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
new attainable dream car
volvo? PAH...get an audi if you wan safe!

The crash was captured by a camera mounted on the dashboard of a charter bus. An out of control tractor trailer careens across the Long Island Expressway, plowing the small black Audi into the median and the bus. The car was obliterated. The driver, though, was basically fine.
"I've been picking glass out of my scalp for two days," said crash victim Bryan Pacelli. Pacelli, 39, has a herniated disk in his neck, a couple of pinched nerves, and some scratches. No one can believe it, especially him.
The camera that caught the crash was installed by DriveCam, a firm that places the units on commercial vehicles so companies can monitor their employees' driving and analyze what went wrong in a crash.
"We can take a look at the video and the audio. We can coach the driver on what he or she could have done differently or should have done differently," said DriveCam CEO Bruce Moeller.
So why did Pacelli survive? There's no good explanation, but Bryan credits his faith and his Audi TT. He's an Audi dealer with a newfound respect for his product. "The car did its job. The car was smashed to smithereens; the entire passenger compartment of the car is still intact," he said.
catch the vid of the crash HERE...
i dunno about you but i think it's a minor miracle the bugger's still alive...i mean, look at the state of the wreck...squished between a laden trailer and a bus!!! geez...think next car i buy's gotta be an AUDI liao :))
just sharing...
...one of my absolute favourite songs...HOW DO YOU LOVE...by the group COLLECTIVE SOUL...beaut of a song! :)) left click on the link to hear more...
"How Do You Love?"
There once was love thrown into your room
But you never knew
A calendar of days just for you
But you never knew, never knew no
And the truth that you'll find will always be
The truth you hide
So how do you love, how do you love
When your angels can't sing, and your world is still
Lacking of me
There once were eyes that only saw you
But you never knew
A portrait of a flower in full bloom
But you never knew, never knew no
And the words that you fear will always be
The words you hear
This space where you've been living
Has gifts you've never given
That's the face you always show
Ask me for words of wisdom
Tell me of your condition
I don't know, I don't
I don't know
And the truth that you'll find will always be
The truth you hide
There once was love thrown into your room
But you never knew
A calendar of days just for you
But you never knew, never knew no
And the truth that you'll find will always be
The truth you hide
So how do you love, how do you love
When your angels can't sing, and your world is still
Lacking of me
There once were eyes that only saw you
But you never knew
A portrait of a flower in full bloom
But you never knew, never knew no
And the words that you fear will always be
The words you hear
This space where you've been living
Has gifts you've never given
That's the face you always show
Ask me for words of wisdom
Tell me of your condition
I don't know, I don't
I don't know
And the truth that you'll find will always be
The truth you hide
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
funny clip...HERE...1.64mb, 1m9s...had me chortling like mad :))
is she really that dumb?? haha...funny as heck...and it's from a real film clip called THE KETCHUP EFFECT...serious!!! go see the webby itself ;)
is she really that dumb?? haha...funny as heck...and it's from a real film clip called THE KETCHUP EFFECT...serious!!! go see the webby itself ;)
Monday, March 20, 2006
why did the chicken cross the road?
thank heavens for the wachowski brothers!!!
so far this calendar year will probably go down in history, at least in my opinion, as one lined with some of the most unimpressive movies ever (purient crap!). i’ve have had absolutely no desire to keep myself entertained by chasing panthers of the pink variety (PTUI!), or indulge in the company of gay cowboys (if i hear any more of this brokenass movie, i'm-a gonna hurl chunks!). for the past three months i have felt like a geylang addict going the cold turkey route (ya right...if only...hehe). except instead of avoiding the notorious henhouses, i have maintained a safe distance from cinema halls... =P
i was delighted today the drought ended and i’m glad it ended with “V for Vendetta”....HALLELUJAH!

the movie is based on a graphic novel of the same name by famed writer Alan Moore. in the story, set in an alternate future, dystopian britain is under the rule of a totalitarian government with an astonishing disregard for the rights and liberties of its citizens and uses its strongest weapon to control the masses – Fear. for those who haven’t been following closely, the movie has also been in the news for Mr. Moore’s refusal to have his name associated with any and everything to do with it. thankfully the Wachowski brothers, Andy and Larry, (of “the matrix” fame and subsequent sequel infamy) have assembled a faithful adaptation.

credit should go out to director James McTeigue...it is remarkable how well he did shoot the movie. the tone is well maintained throughout and action scenes are neither cut together like the latest music video nor do they seem like the unwanted remains from “the matrix trilogy” (which was what i did fear...especially with the involvement of the Wachowskis).
it also helps that a great cast valiantly carries this movie. i had just recently (finally...) watched Natalie Portman go through the motions playing a stripper in “Closer”. Of course the critics lapped up that performance to the extent that they even rewarded her with an Academy award for it but i personally thought it she overplayed it to the point of hamming. all through that movie I wondered whether the obviously-talented nymph-like girl from “The Professional” become the victim of a Sith lord. with her role of Evey Hammond her talents have finally shattered the stranglehold the dark side had on her...hurrah! :)

the loudest of all the applause should clearly go to Hugo Weaving for emoting so much even from under an ever smiling mask...i've always been a fan of his ever since his seminal role in The Matrix...whereby he understatedly played the role of the main agent after Keanu's Neo. he also gets the juiciest of lines and his self-introduction to Evey is bound to get the crowd roaring in delight. it’s a fantastic piece of writing from the Wachowskis, one I hope they will immortalize on t-shirts everywhere.
the supporting cast does a good job too although the constant yelling of John Hurt as High Chancellor Adam Sutler can get grating on the nerves...special mention goes out to Stephen Fry as the Chief Inspector Finch...very understated but very much a conscience of the movie...
as the movie builds towards its inevitable climax, the rousing opus of the 1812 overture by Tchaikowsky crescendoes wonderfully and i had major goosepimples breaking out all over...
i'd give it an easy 9 outta 10 in my book...go see it, i guarantee that you'll not regret ;)
i was delighted today the drought ended and i’m glad it ended with “V for Vendetta”....HALLELUJAH!

the movie is based on a graphic novel of the same name by famed writer Alan Moore. in the story, set in an alternate future, dystopian britain is under the rule of a totalitarian government with an astonishing disregard for the rights and liberties of its citizens and uses its strongest weapon to control the masses – Fear. for those who haven’t been following closely, the movie has also been in the news for Mr. Moore’s refusal to have his name associated with any and everything to do with it. thankfully the Wachowski brothers, Andy and Larry, (of “the matrix” fame and subsequent sequel infamy) have assembled a faithful adaptation.

credit should go out to director James McTeigue...it is remarkable how well he did shoot the movie. the tone is well maintained throughout and action scenes are neither cut together like the latest music video nor do they seem like the unwanted remains from “the matrix trilogy” (which was what i did fear...especially with the involvement of the Wachowskis).
it also helps that a great cast valiantly carries this movie. i had just recently (finally...) watched Natalie Portman go through the motions playing a stripper in “Closer”. Of course the critics lapped up that performance to the extent that they even rewarded her with an Academy award for it but i personally thought it she overplayed it to the point of hamming. all through that movie I wondered whether the obviously-talented nymph-like girl from “The Professional” become the victim of a Sith lord. with her role of Evey Hammond her talents have finally shattered the stranglehold the dark side had on her...hurrah! :)

the loudest of all the applause should clearly go to Hugo Weaving for emoting so much even from under an ever smiling mask...i've always been a fan of his ever since his seminal role in The Matrix...whereby he understatedly played the role of the main agent after Keanu's Neo. he also gets the juiciest of lines and his self-introduction to Evey is bound to get the crowd roaring in delight. it’s a fantastic piece of writing from the Wachowskis, one I hope they will immortalize on t-shirts everywhere.
the supporting cast does a good job too although the constant yelling of John Hurt as High Chancellor Adam Sutler can get grating on the nerves...special mention goes out to Stephen Fry as the Chief Inspector Finch...very understated but very much a conscience of the movie...
as the movie builds towards its inevitable climax, the rousing opus of the 1812 overture by Tchaikowsky crescendoes wonderfully and i had major goosepimples breaking out all over...
i'd give it an easy 9 outta 10 in my book...go see it, i guarantee that you'll not regret ;)
Friday, March 17, 2006
yeesh, can anyone finish it???

Concocted by the chefs at Denny's Beer Barrel Pub, the burger might help the pub defend its Guinness Book of World Records status as the restaurant with the world's biggest hamburger.
Denny's big burger lineup includes a 2-pounder, a 3-pounder and a 6-pounder. If you can eat the 6-pounder in under three hours, you get the burger for free, along with a commemorative T-shirt and your names on a wall of fame. So far, the only winner has been a 100-pound female college student.
But owners thought a 15-pound burger would attract more customers and be a good option for families, parties and anyone who up for a challenge.
The challenge is simple. Just polish off the newest monster burger in under five hours and you win $350, a T-shirt and your name posted on the pub's wall of fame.
You also get the burger for free, which is not bad, considering it costs $39.95. Fries are extra.
The newest burger, dubbed the Beer Barrel Belly Buster, is as big around as the inside of a car tire and should be approached with relish.
A cup and a half, that is. It also comes with a cup and half each of mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup, a head of lettuce, two onions, three tomatoes and 25 slices of cheese, which go on 101/2 pounds of ground beef and a bun that is made by a local bakery.
The burger starts out, as burgers typically do, as a large slab of raw ground meat -- 280 ounces of extra lean beef shipped up from Pittsburgh. That's enough beef to make 70 McDonald's quarter pounders.
Kitchen manager Matthew Williams mixes in eggs and bread crumbs and other ingredients he won't disclose to hold the beef together, and then puts it into an auto sham -- basically a big broiler -- for 21/2 hours while the grease sizzles and jumps in the pan.
After it is good and cooked, he lifts the Jabba the Hut-like lump of meat with a pizza shovel to the grill to charbroil it. From there, the burger is lifted again to the condiments counter, where it receives its dressings, which weigh another 5 pounds.
you gotta be shittin' me...i'd frickin' die eating the bugger, ooops...burger, i mean :))
you gotta be shittin' me...i'd frickin' die eating the bugger, ooops...burger, i mean :))
Thursday, March 16, 2006
looking back to my post on 16 feb 06...yes, the one with maria...yum yum isn't she?
well, all the various pictures featured in that precious ish are all uploaded and DOWNLOADABLE...the link is HERE
left click and follow the instructions to download and then extract with WINRAR, a free software which is downloadable and "installable" from HERE)...
do enjoy!!! i certainly did =)
well, all the various pictures featured in that precious ish are all uploaded and DOWNLOADABLE...the link is HERE
left click and follow the instructions to download and then extract with WINRAR, a free software which is downloadable and "installable" from HERE)...
do enjoy!!! i certainly did =)
i am sooooo desperate to...
...go encounter some hard-hitting piscatorial hooligans and get my arms stretched =)
am contemplating organising a trip to lucornia shoals but man, it's gonna be the proverbial pain in the goolies to get my kakis to go since it will be decidedly hard-core and back-breaking work...I LIKE!!!
checked out pelagic anglers' webby and was very impressed with the range of options available...lucornia, maldives, perth, rodrigues island...now to find out whether they offer use of their equipment...most of those which i have will probably be blasted to bits by the hooligans of the deep 'cept for my stiffy (hahaha) custom-built GT-master...and price of course :)
here's a quick vid of the action available with PA...left click HERE (2.6mb, slightly over a minute, all credit goes to PA itself)
*dreaming of my thundering GT*
am contemplating organising a trip to lucornia shoals but man, it's gonna be the proverbial pain in the goolies to get my kakis to go since it will be decidedly hard-core and back-breaking work...I LIKE!!!
checked out pelagic anglers' webby and was very impressed with the range of options available...lucornia, maldives, perth, rodrigues island...now to find out whether they offer use of their equipment...most of those which i have will probably be blasted to bits by the hooligans of the deep 'cept for my stiffy (hahaha) custom-built GT-master...and price of course :)
here's a quick vid of the action available with PA...left click HERE (2.6mb, slightly over a minute, all credit goes to PA itself)
*dreaming of my thundering GT*
something that i came across whilst browsing online...very inspirational and compelling...
Today is the day that it all begins. This is the moment when your greatest possibilities start fervently coming to life.You've dreamed, you've planned, you've hoped, you've slipped and gotten back up again. You've learned about your strengths and uncovered some of your weaknesses.
Now is when that wisdom and experience get put to good use. You know what must be done and today you're in a perfect position to do it.
There have been moments when you've known how very good life can be. This is the day for you to translate your highest visions into focused action and commitment.
Today, you truly understand like never before how unique and precious your life is. And today, you can feel the magnificent positive potential that is you.
This is a time that is like no other. This is your time to joyously fulfill the grand promise that is your life.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
justifiable homicide???
remember that client that i was previously bitching about in an earlier posting (see 17 feb 06)? the bastard is really pissing me off this time...
obviously not a shipping man and knows jack-all about packing and shipping matters and yet he does not accept my reasons for asking him to consider bracing and support some of his stupid cargo!!! some more till now he can't provide a frickin' packing list of the cargo...how the motherpook can i figger out how to move it when i don't even know the specifics of the cargo? KNN!!!!! ask a simple question for him to provide me with vendor name and contacts so that i can ask my agents to talk to them (i.e. straight from the horse's mouth)....1 blardy week and still they don't provide same...WAH KAO!!!!
*suppressing urge to drive to tuas and throttle someone*
justifiable homicide not culpable to murder???????
obviously not a shipping man and knows jack-all about packing and shipping matters and yet he does not accept my reasons for asking him to consider bracing and support some of his stupid cargo!!! some more till now he can't provide a frickin' packing list of the cargo...how the motherpook can i figger out how to move it when i don't even know the specifics of the cargo? KNN!!!!! ask a simple question for him to provide me with vendor name and contacts so that i can ask my agents to talk to them (i.e. straight from the horse's mouth)....1 blardy week and still they don't provide same...WAH KAO!!!!
*suppressing urge to drive to tuas and throttle someone*
justifiable homicide not culpable to murder???????
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
games to relieve boredom
Monday, March 13, 2006
what a stunning bod...
time and tide...
...wait for no man, ya...
over the weekend i was reminded suddenly how how time has flown by...this was triggered off by a celebration of my little girl cousin's birthday...she's already turning 14 and i still say little...cripes, i remember the time when she was still a toddler, man...her elder brother is already waiting to do his time in uncle lee's private army now after completing his pre-U studies...geez!!!
and with muff revisiting those old maudlin debbie gibson songs on unkster, it's really a big WOAH!!!!! shit, i feel old...
what's become of that gong gong ACS boy finishing up secondary school and wishing that he would grow up quickly?
what's become of that young punk that went to perth for his high school and got into all sorts of scrapes and troubles?
what's become of that young man who went to queensland, studying and playing hard as hard can be and looking forward to life ahead?
what's become of the idealistic young man that started work in 1995 when it seemed the skies were the limits???
TIME...that's what...
over the weekend i was reminded suddenly how how time has flown by...this was triggered off by a celebration of my little girl cousin's birthday...she's already turning 14 and i still say little...cripes, i remember the time when she was still a toddler, man...her elder brother is already waiting to do his time in uncle lee's private army now after completing his pre-U studies...geez!!!
and with muff revisiting those old maudlin debbie gibson songs on unkster, it's really a big WOAH!!!!! shit, i feel old...
what's become of that gong gong ACS boy finishing up secondary school and wishing that he would grow up quickly?
what's become of that young punk that went to perth for his high school and got into all sorts of scrapes and troubles?
what's become of that young man who went to queensland, studying and playing hard as hard can be and looking forward to life ahead?
what's become of the idealistic young man that started work in 1995 when it seemed the skies were the limits???
TIME...that's what...
Friday, March 10, 2006
mind conditioning...
good golly!!!
ok i'm sure many of us still remember that MR BEAN episode whereby he was late for work (or for an appointment) and did his abulutions in his little mini on the way whilst driving...
here's another example of someone efficiently use their time...left click HERE (1.98mb, 1.42m)...sheesh...
quite a nice bod though... ;))
here's another example of someone efficiently use their time...left click HERE (1.98mb, 1.42m)...sheesh...
quite a nice bod though... ;))
Thursday, March 09, 2006
precision driving display
...courtesy of SAAB...quite cool indeed :))
left click HERE (it's about 1.67mb, duration about 1 minute)...enjoy!
left click HERE (it's about 1.67mb, duration about 1 minute)...enjoy!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
what the heck were they thinking??
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
ok so i'm WOLS ;)

only recently did i hear about this native maori singer called BIC RUNGA...and till now, i still can't get her song SWAY out of my head...it's mesmerising...simple orchestration drawing the attention to the melody and her emotive voice....aaaaahhhhhhhh.....and it helps that she's not bad to look at eh???
here's the song...and the accompanying lyrics...hope you enjoy them :))
song HERE (it's about 6.01mb)
Don't stray
Don't ever go away
I should be much too smart for this
You know it gets the better
Of me
When you and I collide
I fall into an ocean of you
Pull me out in time
Don't let me drown
Let me down
I say it's all because of you
And here I
Losing my
I'm practising your name
So I can say it
To your face it doesn't
Seem right
To look you in the eye
And let all the things
You mean to me
Come tumbling out my mouth
Indeed it's time
Tell you why
I say it's
Infinitely true
Say you'll stay
Don't come and go
Like you do
Sway my way
Yeah I need to know
All about you
And there's no cure
And no way to be sure
Why everythings turned inside out
Instilling so much doubt
It makes me so tired
I feel so uninspired
My head is battling with my heart
My logic has been torn apart
And now
It all turns sour
Come sweeten
Every afternoon
Say you'll stay
Don't come and go
Like you do
Sway my way
Yeah I need to know
All about you
Say you'll Stay
Don't come and go
Like you do
Sway my way
Yeah I need to know
All about you
Its all because of you
Its all because of you
Now it all turns sour
Come sweeten
Every afternoon
It's time
Tell you why
I say it's
Infinitely true
Say you'll stay
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