good location, good weather, good company and good food/drinks...and no bloody work phonecalls....just the perfect antidote for one as jaded and stressed out by work as me...
8 adults and 2 kids departed singapore on 25.11.7 at the wee hour of 6.30am...stopped halfway for some kickass bak kut teh and arrived at tanjong leman jetty around 9.15am...reach the kelong by boat around 10am...quick trip indeed...

off we go!

pausing to demolish breakfast

about to embark
what followed in the next 50 hours or so was loadsa relaxation in the form of fishing, mahjong, chor dai dee, drinking, eating and the ubiquitious was a great time to reaffirm old friendships, build on new ones and to just kick back and let the stresses of the world dissipate...simply lovely!

hooah...we gotta go again soon...