Friday, April 03, 2009

now who's the april fool?

hilarious, this! laughinglaughinglaughing

Man foils bank robbery after assuming it was an April Fool

A man inadvertently foiled an attempted bank robbery after assuming it was an April Fool prank, a court has heard. Customer Andrew Stewart was sitting down reading a newspaper in an Exeter branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland on March 31 last year when a raider burst in and demanded money.

Brian Davison, 32, put his hand inside his back pack then told cashiers: "I've got a gun. Seriously I've got a gun – hand over the ******* money". But as terrified cashiers prepared to hand over a bundle of notes, Mr Stewart calmly walked up to the robber and said: "It's April the 1st isn't it mate? It's April Fool's Day".

When Davidson said to him "I've got a gun I will shoot you", Andrew replied "go on then shoot me" and grabbed the bag from his hands. He opened it in front of staff and after seeing it was empty sat down and carried on reading his paper, Exeter Crown Court heard.

Davison fled the scene but was later arrested and has now pleaded guilty to affray.

more HERE.

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