- cheapppppp beer! us$1 per hit....
- reunification palace...this was where the then-south vietnamese president surrendered to the VC...now used for administrative offices and state functions...
- uncle ho
- at the war remnants museum posing with a F5A...it was a sobering exhibition on the horrors of war...
- in the vaulted hall of saigon's notredame cathedral
- darling leave a light on for me...
- exterior of notredame
- street food...chye tow kuey (carrot cake)!
- cao dai temple....very strange amalgam religion...just google it
- at the shooting gallery in cu chi...
- i think i would not fit into the opening...my ass is too big
- the motorcycle hordes of saigon
- vungtau - back beach...really nice sand...
- blue
- vungtau - front beach at dusk
- day trip to the mekong delta
- photo-whoring...hehehe
- boat on the mekong
- ello there
- statue of uncle ho outside the people's committee building
- another look
- street food....this may not look like much but it's the best bowl of soup noodles that i have ever eaten...bar none...not even in singapore...
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