Wednesday, May 20, 2009

so will he be twice as fast at the loo?

ok ok, bad jokelaughing

man, the pain...the wife's a psycho!

Wife drills into husband's penis

A furious wife performed some drastic DIY after her husband boozed away a week's wages — drilling a hole into his manhood.

Horrified Andrei Karaj told police he was asleep on the sofa when he was woken by an agonising pain. He saw raging wife Larissa, 38, standing over him with a power drill at their family home in Moscow, Russia.

The 25-year-old said: “I felt amazing pain and there she was with the drill. I had just enough strength to call the paramedics before I passed out.” Medics stitched the gaping wound back together during a delicate three hour operation. Surgeon Dmitry Semenov said: "The drill cut through the skin and sank two centimetres into the flesh. But we’ve been able to save his penis."

Andrei is set to divorce his wife, who told police she was overcome by rage after he drank the family’s housekeeping cash.


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