Friday, January 08, 2010

i have been remiss... my blogging "duties".

this is mainly because i have been busy moving out of my home. this is a first for me and the experience has been extraordinarily onerous...there was just sooo many things to be done. the packing process was painful to say the least...we ended up having to chuck quite a fair bit of stuff as it would not fit into the decor plans of our new home.

and to compound it, both the better half and i came down with severe cases of the shits during the few days when we were moving...

you can imagine the utter physical exhaustion of moving stuff and having to run repeatedly to the can. it was NOT fun.

well, it's over now, thank goodness....round 1 at least.

we are, however, not in our new home yet, dammit. we bought the new place with tenancy and our tenant will only move out at the end of the month. then we will have to renovate blah blah blah...i think the earliest we will be able to move in would most likely be end march or even as late as mid april. so we're temporarily at my in-laws and most of our stuff is in self-storage.

round 2 to come...i dread it. i really do.
nail biting

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