Friday, March 03, 2006

sun and the sea...and now the itch...

over last weekend, popped off up north to HOTBOYZ kelong again for an overnight fishing trip...

for those not in the know, it's the most well kept and cleanest of all the 4 kelongs off pulau sibu off tanjung lehman (about 90 mins drive from the woodlands checkpoint)...nice place, owned by 3 singaporean chaps (which probably explains why it's the cleanest)...

caught lotsa ZZZZZ, rays (not the piscatorial type, but sunrays lah...hahaha) but not that many fish, sadly...current was fairly strong and the catch during the weekend was not that contrast, just 2 days before we went, there was a massive "harvest", with chermin upto 5kg and shitloads of selar...sigh :((

we only got 1 todak, 1 flathead and loads little baitfish (we probably ate up half of the grandtotal caught though, of these babies...delicious deep fried...head and all *slurp*)

oh well, here are some photos of the trip...all from someone else's camera (i was too lazy to bring...hahaha)...

i'm itching like the blazes now cos i gey jiang and declined to put any quite fried in the process of fishing... *scratch scratch* :S NUTS!


princesslonglegs said...

itchy scratchy... :))

kona said...

peeling like mad now...GRRR

kona said...

hola shannie....nope, didn't really altho i was eating a fair bit...

69 for 1 night stay all makan inclusive
38.57 for transportation
17.43 for misc (mineral water, beer, ramly burgers)

total 125 lor :)