Tuesday, August 29, 2006

when younglings leave the nest...

this topic borrows from my response to one of the posts on the UNK blog...

you know, when we were still younglings (yes WE..meaning most if not all of us), we just couldn't wait for the time when we could move out of home to our own place...

a place where we would be able to get out from under our parent's watchful eyes...
a place to not have a curfew (parent-imposed or otherwise)...
a place where we could just kick back relax and make a mess...
a place where we could walk around naked...
a place where we could call our own...

little did we realise that once this happened, we would lose some things which we'd always taken for granted...

...the prospect of having dinner all cooked, nice and warm waiting for us when we came home from a long day at work (or at play for the matter)
...the magically washed and ironed clothes (THANKS MUM!!!)
...the closeness of the family
...the availability of someone older and wiser to turn to in times of trouble

sometimes, i wish that i could be living with my folks...it'd be so much easier and i wouldn't have to bother about cleaning up after myself (to a certain extent lah)...the weekends spent washing clothes, dusting, wiping, vacumning would be a thing of the past...

but then again, i remember that it's all part and parcel of growing up, being married and perhaps...somewhere down the line, starting a family...

*sigh* if only both scenarios could be happily combined...


FlyingMuffyn said...

wait till u live alone like moi

kona said...

if that's the case, my house sure become like pigsty siah....else i buy all disposable stuff LOL