Thursday, July 30, 2009

can she hear out of her ass?

i'm speechlesslaughing

Woman who loses ear in fight has it sewn into her bottom

Doctors have saved a woman's severed lobe by stitching it into her bottom.

Julia Schwarz's right ear was bitten off by her best friend in a fight over a lover. But when medics tried to reattach it, they found they couldn't because of the injuries she sustained to the side of her head. Surgeons in Cologne, Germany, said the damage had to be repaired before they could try again.

So they made a small incision in her backside and stitched the severed lobe inside — where it will be kept for safekeeping until they are ready for a further operation. Now doctors are confident the ear will not be rejected by 27-year-old Julia's body.

Her solicitor Reinhard Birkenstock said: "My client has suffered enormous emotional distress. She was afraid to leave the house because of the disfigurement."


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