Wednesday, December 14, 2005

watch what happens when...

a dodge viper tries to do a takumi a la Initial D... :))

what the americans say about the viper
  • The Dodge Viper, introduced in 1993, is the American version of a Fantasy Car. Featuring the largest engine among the cars on this site, and one of the largest to be fitted in a production car ever, an 8.0lt unit producing more than 400bhp and a much more impressive amount of torque (662Nm). The Viper has been praised for its direct race car feel and it surely is not a game to play with. How, anyway could a car with more than 400 bhp driving the rear wheels only and without any type of electronic help be a game to play with? Viper's muscle car design is fully justified given that it is directed, primarily, for the American market.
  • Everything on the road looks like absolute toast when you're behind the wheel of the 450-horsepower Dodge Viper.
  • Springs and shock absorbers are close to the wheels, giving more precise control over how, and how much, the wheels move on bumps and in corners, which also aids in precisely controlling wheel movement. It works delightfully well, providing a reassuringly crisp feel; keeping drivers out of trouble at higher speeds in challenging maneuvers; and helping save them from disaster when momentum exceeds traction
if so, how the heck do you account for this so-called best of the best american supercar doing what it does in the video shown in the link below? I PUI AH!!!! hahaha...


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