Thursday, July 20, 2006

jack's back with a BLEAH...

referring back to my last posting on POTC#2 on 3rd july...i was already warned by muffadoodoo's review in UNKSTER that it might not live up to the hype...but still went in without much prior expectations...

and yes, it's a bleah indeed...the storyline was just too fat to encompass within 150 mins...too much to squeeze in which made scene changes just that bit too choppy...too ambitious to try and get THAT much action in and trying to tell too much at one time...found it quite yawny to be honest...action-wise shiok but the x-factor that was so prevalent in #1 seems to be missing...

dear mr depp as usual was just fabulous in the role that he's already made his own (very iconic, i feel), but i think orlando will forever be closely associated with legolas (the elfin posterboy from Lord of the Rings)...when he's climbing around in the rigging with the knife clenched in his teeth and leaping from sail to sail, images of legolas kept coming back to my mind...

dear ms keira was very much a wallflower in this movie...not much depth...but she looks gooooood...especially when her pectorals are boosted in that tightly drawn corset top...mmmmm...*slurp*

overall...fairly disappointing...6 out of 10 for me...if stretching a bit, 6.5....ho hum...

bring on #3!


FlyingMuffyn said...


kona said...

hehe...still have to watch arma...just for keira =))