Friday, February 16, 2007

hic bloody hic...

that must be reaaaaaaalllly annoying...laughing

Girl hasn't stopped hiccupping in three weeks

She has tried holding her breath. Drinking water from the far side of the glass. Putting sugar under her tongue. Sipping pickle juice. Breathing into a paper bag. But none of those home remedies has helped 15-year-old Jennifer Mee, who started hiccupping three weeks ago and hasn’t stopped.

Something like 50 times a minute, she hiccups, a staccato sensation that resembles a smoke alarm with a dying battery. Her mother, Rachel Robidoux , thinks Jennifer sounds like a barking chihuahua.

It was kind of funny at first, but now it’s become much more than an annoyance. “It’s actually really stressful,’’ Jennifer said. “Really, there’s nothing much I can do except stay home.”

Strangers approach them at Wal-Mart, trying to scare the hiccups away. They offer prayer and healing hands and folk remedies. All unsuccessful. “She just wants to be a normal teenager again,” Robidoux said.

article HERE

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