Friday, January 19, 2007

the spartans are coming!

following up from my initial posting 20th oct 2006 HERE, with the 1st trailer.

well they're almost here...all doomed 300 of them...can't blardy wait any longer to see them in their finest hour...the movie'll be released mar 2007...hopefully will not take too long to get into local cinemas...

here's a 2nd trailer, just released...right click and save as from HERE to's a .mov file and 48.2 MB

plot summary below:-
In 480 BC, the Persian king Xerxes sends his massive army to conquer Greece. The Greek city of Sparta houses its finest warriors, and 300 of these soldiers are chosen to meet the Persians at Thermopylae, engaging the soldiers in a narrow canyon where they cannot take full advantage of their numbers. The battle is a suicide mission, meant to buy time for the rest of the Greek forces to prepare for the invasion. However, that doesn't stop the Spartans from throwing their hearts into the fray, determined to take as many Persians as possible with them. The battle is said to have inspired all of Greece to band together against the Persians, and helped usher in the world's first democracy.

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