Friday, May 19, 2006

oh for wont of a legal licence plate...

brought maxine for the bi-annual LTA inspection for cars older than 3 years....passed everything with flying colours...even the welding and repositioning of the cat convertor to accomodate my aftermarket exhaust manifold (which theoretically is not a legal modification)...BUT of all the things, got flunked for having the fancy lettering on my rear licence plate...ALAMAK!

...a horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!

bah! at least i do not have to pay again for inspection...just gotta go get the licence plate redone and to go back to satisfy the inspector that it's been changed to something legal in order to get my test certificate with an approved chop...ley the chey!

well, it could have been much worse i should be happy, right??? well......human nature =))

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